Survivors Stories

Atara's Estes
A St. Louis man is spending the next 22 years in prison for attempting to kill his former girlfriend. Courtney Everett told Atara Estes to plan for a big surprise. But never did she expect what would happen next.
Estes was hoping for a ring or a new apartment to share with Everett and their baby daughter. Instead, police said, Everett blindfolded Estes, drove her to a field, shot her and tossed her near-lifeless body into the trunk of his car.
Estes said she tried not to focus on the pool of blood quickly engulfing her and panicking was also not an option.
“Blood is just flowing. I can feel the tingling in my body, numbness, a different sensation to whereas something is really wrong, feeling lifeless,” explained Estes.
She spent the next few minutes trying to disable the car’s rear lights, anything to draw attention to the vehicle and Everett, “Then I heard this voice say just reach a little further, reach down a little further.”
Sure enough, as Everett stopped to buy gas, the trunk popped open. Bleeding severely and partially paralyzed, Estes was still able to get out of the trunk. Everett did not notice and kept going. Estes says it is a miracle oncoming traffic did not kill her.
Estes says it was her little girl that helped save her life and that voice she heard while trapped in the trunk. Amazingly, Estes has forgiven her shooter and says she prays for him.

Eydie Robinson
Yes, I was a victim of domestic abuse.
What motivated me to share my story was the need for me to finally free myself of what had happened. Even though I've been away from that particular situation for years, I was still haunted by it. I started to recognize that for me, until I talked about it, it would continue to haunt me and I refused to let that happen. Also, despite my embarrassment, I wanted to be a voice to women/girls to know that they are not alone and that they can get out.
I desire to motivate girls and women because it is a necessity! There is so much that "we" go through and sometimes the only positivity that exists in a girl's or women's life is that one person who continues to motivate them or who they continue to see or hear on social media, in person or wherever. That is why I have dedicated my life to this because I know how crucial it is. We as women go through so much and as much as I've gone through in my life, I wish I would've had someone to motivate me so I now have to be that person to other girls and women that I didn't have.
I was in my relationship for 2 years. What made me leave? My kids! I knew that I could not continue to be in a relationship where they seen their mother being hit or constantly going to file restraining orders or going to hotels out of fear because of the threats this man spoke. I knew that it was not a good example for my daughters to see. I did not want them growing up thinking that behavior was ok, nor did I want my son possibly having to defend me because of these incidents and then something happening to him.
I believe people remain in abusive relationships because #1 they think the person is going to change #2 fear, #3 thinking that it won't happen or that they 've done something to cause it.
I feel victims need support above all things (emotionally and financially). I say financially so that they can get out. Many times victims stay because the absuer may be supporting them financially and they have no other means to be able to walk away and support themselves and/or their children. They also need to be able to share what they are going through without being judged or being asked what they did to make it happen because it's not their fault!
The words of encouragement I can provide is to pay attention to the red flags and do not ignore the red flags. Don't try rationalize the situation, trust your instincts. Know that it's not your fault and that you cannot change a person. Don't stay because you feel sorry for them; pray and walk away. Get out early because the longer you stay, the harder it is to leave and last, tell somebody what is happening so that they can help you.
Where can people go to find out more about you and your story. People can find out more about me at www.eydierobinson.com or via social media outlets @theonlyeydier